16-17.06.2023 15h-(21h)
Retramp Gallery Reuterstraße 62,12047 Neukölln,Berlin
fesKa is a local art festival , taking place at Retramp Gallery in Neukölln. fesKa focuses on the connection between music, image and words that takes place during an unconscious (dreamlike) state, heavily influenced by the comings-and- goings of daily life, as experienced in human interactions, work, and dreams. This festival integrates the perspectives on art, music, and life , as depicted in the unconscious, alongside featured works by friends and colleagues.
Art Exhibition 15h-21
Ayane Kondo, Bertrand Chavarria-Aldrete, Kanae Mizobuchi, Tassos Savvopoulos
Kanae Mizobuchi, Chiku Komiya
Concert+Performance 16 June 19h
Chiku Komiya, jee chan ,Timo Kreuser+PHØNIX16
Concert+Performance 17 June 19h
Bertrand Chavarria-Aldrete, Teppei Higuchi, Ayane Kondo
Drink 18h-21h
s h i z u k u.