Friday 10th November, 6-10pm
Performance 8pm
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th, 12-7pm
Tuesday 14th to Sunday 19th, 3-7pm
This recent body of work is the continuation of artistic practice along the themes of; colour, physicality and self.
Half the works are of semi-abstract flowers - as a counter to the usual pure abstraction.
The titles of many works have densely loaded emotional topics such as “17 Days Of Mania Followed By 4 Days Of Emptiness” and “Asking You To Tell Me That You Love Me First, So That I Know It’s Not A Reflex”. By keeping a diary, I was able to name the paintings based on what I had written for that day. Sometimes my thoughts appear as signs or poems, making it easy to find lines that resonate and reflect the works. Sometimes the words/title came first, sometimes the act of painting.
One research project “Drawing Flowers Every Day - April/May” was where I would find flowers outside to digitally draw. Some of these were then adapted to physical paintings. Originally I had intended to draw “bad” flowers, but I was enjoying this process too much, and instead started to draw without intention of “good” or “bad”.
Repetitive movements along with my personal relationship to colour can be seen in the Horizontal Lines series.
Small explorations into cloud-like abstraction can be seen in the Colourscapes series.
Finally, as a way to have less control, I would lie on my back on the ground and paint with a 2 meter stick on the wall.